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Callin' All Cultures/Under Construction

Foremost is an aggressive booking policy that presents live national and local talent two hundred nights a year, with enough variety to satisfy even the most hard-core music lovers... It makes perfectly good sense to me, for instance, to present Bill Monroe one night and Ravi Shankar the next, Fats Domino after that, then Mighty Clouds of Joy or Jerry Jeff Walker, and then a Sunday performance of Stanley Hall's Austin Ballet Theatre. Show me another club or concert hall as adventurous as that.

From Armadillo World Headquarters

The Art Squad

As with Willie Nelson’s 4th of July picnics, the ‘Dillo facilitated a triumph over deep-seated prejudices... More significantly to the Austin poster panorama, however, the Armadillo offered artists an inspirational and nurturing environment, a supportive fraternity, and a mission. It became during the Seventies quite possibly the single most important poster patron this side of Haight Ashbury.

From The Art Squad


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